Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Crazy November

Here are a few pictures of Ella in the hospital.

Today I have finally found a little time to sit down and wright about our crazy month! This month has probably been one of the most trying months that I have had with Ella in awhile. On Sunday November 11 Ella woke up early that morning throwing up. At this point I was thinking it was just a virus and was trying to keep her hydrated and just keeping a close eye on her. After she threw up 2-3 times she began acting really different and the stuff she was trowing up was getting darker and darker. I Knew that something was not right because all she ate was her formula and that was definitely not formula she was throwing up. After a quick call to her doctor we were off to Children's Hospital. By the time I got her to the emergency room she was like a "limp noodle!" While we were in triage she was not responding and her blood pressure was really low. They sent us straight back and that's where the craziness started...

This is the time when I, like many other times, just thank God for carrying me through yet another tough situation. The doctor in the emergency room was great! She didn't play around and really took an aggressive approach with Ella. Someone
was working on Ella almost non-stop for the next 3 to 4 hours trying to find out what was making her so sick. Finally they did know she was throwing up blood but didn't know where it was coming from. They told me she was staying in the hospital but they was not sure if she would be in ICU or not. That was the time when I had a small breakdown... I thought I better get this over with now so I can stay strong for whatever is next.

At 9:00 that night we finally got put in a room. She was sill not very responsive but the IVs had helped and they had put a tube down her nose that was constantly sucking the blood from her stomach, so the throwing up had stopped.

On Monday morning she was put to sleep and a scope was ran. The findings were really sad to me. She had multiple erosion's in her stomach and esophagus and the feeding tube was causing an obstruction. While she was asleep they put a new feeding tube in that is smaller and hopefully will work better.Thank GOD!!! Nothing too serious!

By Monday afternoon things were still pretty much the same Ella had not really woke up and had still not ate. The GI doctor came in and told me she could go home...well for those of you that know me you know I was not about to let that happen! I told the Doc that she was not ready to go home that I really believed something else is wrong with her! Of course he just wrote it off and said well then she can stay tonight and we will let her go tomorrow. What in the world was this man thinking?

On Monday night Ella starting having breathing problems, she sounded like she had RSV or something like it. Still they wouldn't even let me see the house pediatrician until I had threaten to go over their heads. After that I had a consult set up for Tuesday morning!!! Finally someone was going to listen and thank God the did!

On Tuesday morning the house pediatrician came to see Ella. She was great, she knew right away that something else was wrong. She done a lot of tests and another chest X-Ray and it turned out that Ella did have a respiratory virus. She needed breathing treatments ,medicine and was even on oxygen at one point.Thank God for giving me a strong will and teaching me that my instincts are usually right.Finally on Friday we got to come home and I was so ready!!!

Ella is doing much better now. She is still on breathing treatments and some medicine but things are looking great. Her personality is really starting to shine, I can tell she feels so much better. Thank you for all the prayers and keep them coming.



Anonymous said...

i am so sorry that everything has been crazy!! its a good thing that you were very strong... i am glad that she is doing better and you all will ALWAYS be in my prayers!

Lindsey said...

melissa, you are so strong! man girl the things you have gone through you truly inspire me. i am so glad ella is doing better and of course i will continue to pray for her as well.

love ya girl