Tuesday, October 2, 2007


As most of you know the big thing with Ella lately has been weight gain. We have been going back to Dr. Denton every couple of weeks to check her weight and she has not been making much progress. On Wednesday we went back after a month of trying some new things to fatten her up, we checked her weight and she had lost a few ounces. I was not really upset or even shocked because I knew she had not gained any weight. The doctor was very disappointed , he is at a loss. He is not afraid to admit when he no longer knows what to do for her. He is on the same page w/ me you can tell she is healthy and happy and changing everyday so we know there is no lack of nourishment. She just can't gain weight. Now we have to look for new things to do, so first of all we will be meeting with a new doctor at childrens...a Nutritionist, hopefully this doctor will be able to give me something I can do or give Ella that will add on the pounds. Then the next step will be feeding her with a IV pump through her Mic-key Button while she sleeps. I have thought a lot about this and have not wanted to put her on pump feedings when she was smaller, but now I am ready. I NEED SLEEP!!! LOL I think it will help her and me... hopefully I will be able to feed her more food during the day and formula at night. So please everyone pray! Pray for her, pray for me. I know it will work -it always does.

On a different note...

We are moving and I want to ask that you please remember Olivia and Carter in your prayers. This will be an big change for them and I just want them to be happy. We do have a house...still in Rockwood for the moment. I have not taken them to see it yet but it is truly a blessing from God. It is a beautiful 2 story house all newly redone
bedrooms downstairs and up for my Ella... Just perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope things with ella get better! i know you have tremendous faith or there would be now way you could get through everything! i know you have to make hard decisions that parents never want to make, but i know the Lord will guide you in your decisions. i will pray for oliva and carter, i know change is hard for anyone, but espcially children, i hope you all enjoy your new home, and i hope it has everything you need as a family! i am so excited about moving though, tell them i will take good care of their first home! :) they can visit anytime :)